Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Learning Marketing on the Job

If you are trying to learn marking on the job, here is a Pinterest Board I created of really good videos, slideshares, books, plus more. They help marketers mobilize people inside and outside of companies. They can help you understand the role of a marketer and how that is changing. It has classics, plus actionable information on the forefront of marketing. They are inspiring, practical and personal--not academic. Here is the link.

For your convenience, I categorized them with brief descriptions so you can self-serve a la carte. It is current as of today. The Brand Binge posts are at the top. This was so much fun to do. I love that marketers have such generous spirits to share and learn. Me too.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

John Willshire: Love and Lifestrapping

John Willshire is wise. He reminds why I love what I do and why I am so optimistic and hopeful about marketing and branding. He talks about the people in a brand's community as Blacksmiths, not salesmen. He has a beautiful way of saying this on

I woke up this morning to his great post: Love and Lifestrapping - Entrepreneurial Inspiration From #firestarters. It is a quick reflection on loving what you do. It also touches on themes I have written about like minimal viable marketing in a soulful way. Enjoy it. I did. 

Thanks, @willsh.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Barbara Apple Sullivan is One of My Marketing Heroes

A draft of this post has been sitting in the queue since I started this blog. I wanted to save it until I had some readers. And today is definitely the day. I couldn't be more excited to share.

Barbara Apple Sullivan is one of my marketing heroes. She founded her own agency Sullivan in 1990. She was an early Mad Woman let alone a woman-owned business on Madison Avenue. Amazing.

Barbara specializes in business-to-business branding. She helped teach me how to create simple, meaningful messaging and product architectures. I often use messaging platforms that we created together as "templates" to each other marketers. Over the past 20 years, she has gathered and mentored a posse of men and women who believe creativity, inspiration and business can go together, like Nicole Ferry and Diana Bach. Nicole has a fantastic quote on their site: