Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Simplicity Takes Faith

The Microsoft packaging team did an internal parody "If Microsoft Had Marketed the Ipod" in 2006 around the time they launched the Zune. It was meant to capture the classic tension between designers and the multiple product, marketing and sales teams who can painfully kill a design like death by a thousand paper cuts. But I always remembered the parody because it showed so clearly the differences between rational vs. emotional marketing and telling vs. showing.

DesignModo had a great post of emotional technology ads that also get across the one critical rational point of difference. I love looking at their technology examples, especially ones for business customers. Technology can be complex and takes even more discipline to be simple, to be clean, to be clear.  Simplicity takes fearlessness since you have to fully commit in order for it to work. Minimalism takes so much confidence and faith in consumers' hearts and minds.

"Wrong Sound. Wrong Image." - ZTrackZ Sound Design - Mexico 2009

Bynolyt Binoculars - Belgium - 2008
"A little professional" - Sony Nex-5 Camera - Australia 2010
"Unmask the Truth" - Okami Security Cameras - Thailand 2008
"Lightweight like no other" - Sony VAIO - LA 2008
All of the original ads and the agencies who created them can be found at Ads of the World.

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