Friday, October 28, 2011

Two Things

You have to do at least two things a week that will make you a better marketer. Even if you don't, someone else will. And you both will be applying for the same dream marketing job in 12 months. I'm just sayin'. Love, Pat


  1. These things could include updating resume, reading industry best-practices, networking, thinking about new innovations, going to Town halls.... along these lines?

  2. Ahh! Got your attention @reshmakhan! Exactly. You got it. The thing is this...

    Your career and professional development are so much more autonomous and self-directed than they used to be in the olden days. Don't wait or externalize excuses that you aren't getting the training or skills you need. Today, you can access this technology and get your hands dirty yourself. You're expected to. You can find the Brand Binges and read the nuggets faster than sitting in more classes or Power Point presentations. You can test and learn right this minute with $5 and a WiFi connection to use Facebook and Google ads. Plus this way of learning trains you to take action on your own and not wait. The way you learn as well as what you learn both create momentum to make you better at your job.

    Network outside of work to learn from other marketers, update your personal "marketings story" on LinkedIn, or startup a hobby business on your kitchen table to learn hands-on how to create a website and Facebook page and most importantly understand how to engage and serve customers. (It's hard!) There are many small businesses and non-profits that could use your time and energy learning to market by helping them grow. Volunteering and investing $100 in their marketing may be money better spent than a class on Internet marketing. Do a Twitter campaign for them. I believe the best marketers are naturally curious and passionate about new technologies. I look for it.

    Most importantly, make time for yourself on the job, not when you are looking for a job. Please do at least two things a week for yourself.

  3. Pat, great post! Second your suggestion for marketers to get their hands dirty. Can't learn those skills in a cubicle or in mtgs! My hands are wonderfully filthy learning mktg platforms for my biz. CRM from @37signals, web publishing from @Pagelines, online appt scheduling from @Schedulicity. -Liz @checklistNYC

  4. Sounds great, Pat. Thanks.

