Monday, October 3, 2011

Why Great Brands Are Like Great Leaders

Gloria Steinem is a funny, eloquent and inspiring speaker, but she wasn't always. She tells a fantastic story about her early years raising awareness for women's rights. She would go with index cards in hand and quote stat after stat, and as she said, put the crowd to sleep. Her mentor in the movement said to her: if you have an elephant standing on your foot, are you going to rationally describe its dimensions, its weight, and the physics of how long it would take to move it? Or are you going to start screaming?

I have always loved that story. It makes me think about the passion and inspiration required for leadership. Great brands are like great leaders. Simon Sinek explained this so well in his TED talk "How Great Leaders Inspire Action." He talks about the importance of starting with "why" not just "what" you do. He gives this incredible example about Martin Luther King, Jr. What if he had gone to the Mall in Washington, D.C. with a 12-point plan? No, he had a dream.

When brands are at their very best, they can earn a role in our success, confidence and happiness. But that takes integrity, empathy, and the ability to motivate followers--all powerful qualities of great people. Great brands need great leaders.

It is really worth watching all the way through...

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